Rousseau’s Wild Side

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Rousseau’s Wild Side

The French Post-Impressionist painter Henri Julien Félix Rousseau left our world for another on this day in 1910, at the age of sixty-six. Without doubt he ought to be remembered for his enchanting, direct compositions. Though, personally, it is the unlikely fact that Rousseau ever set a paint-dipped brush to an easel that endears him so to the history of art.

Ever Inspiring Autumn

Summer’s tapping out for another turn around the sun, and Autumn is poised to have its way with us. Maybe the weeks directly leading up to Winter’s freezing over of city pavements and inner hopes aren’t your thing, but I happen to fancy the mutable, wistful moments of Fall.

There’s a sort of fuzzily charged magic in the air, capable of convincing you anything’s spontaneously possible although end-of-the-year hibernation never has been nearer.

Colours shift and pop, the breeze shakes you awake and even the tube almost has the potential to start smelling all apple-cinnamony. Autumn is all right.

Plenty of celebrated painters would agree it seems, judging by the sublime record of works left to us that seek to capture the earthy essence of this most deciduous of seasons. Scroll on down below to delight upon an autumnal tour through art history at full tilt, there’s loads of vivid allegories, odes and abstract interpretations to get you through the brief attempts at daylight and long, nippy nights to come.


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